Local Youth Council of France

The Local Youth Council of Hyères, France was established in the context of YOUROTRIP project. In the context of the project the activities that were organized in France are the following:

  • • The 5th youth mobility of the project, in which 26 young people from Greece, France, Spain, Portugal, Denmark, Romania and Austria came to Hyères during November 2021, where they met, brainstormed, and came up with a policy paper for climate action, and more specifically about water preservation.

• These policy recommendations were presented to local stakeholders during a Networking Event that took place in Hyères, France during November 2021, where the young people presented their policy recommendations and asked for their support, by signing a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU)

• The young representatives of the Local Youth Council of Hyères, France have managed to gain the support from 6 stakeholders, who signed the MoUs declaring their support to the Local Youth Councils of YOUROTRIP project. Here are the stakeholders who are sharing the Local Youth Councils vision on Climate Action and have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with them!

• At the end of the project, on May 2022, the representatives of the Local Youth Council of Hyères, France, along with the representatives of the other Local Youth Councils created in the context of YOUROTRIP project, presented their policy recommendations to distinguished Members of the European Parliament, who gave them feedback about how their ideas and proposals could actually be put into action.